The Current Status of Off-shore Wind Power in Korea

The Current Status of Off-shore Wind Power in Korea

안녕하세요, 법률사무소 시우입니다. 홍콩 Inframation News 금융지의 해상풍력 관련 기사에 시우 법률사무소 이준혁 변호사의 인터뷰가 실렸습니다.

The Most Recent Partial Amendment to RPS in the Republic of Korea- focus on offshore wind power 1. On 28 July 2021, a partial amendment to “Guideline for managing and operating the Renewable Energy Portfolio and the Renewable Fuel Standard”(hereinafter, the “Rule”), mainly for the purpose of changing its applicable multiple on renewable energy certificate in each renewable energy sector, became effective. 2.

According to the Rule, Ministry of Trade, In..........

원문링크 : The Current Status of Off-shore Wind Power in Korea