영어 더빙된 일본 애니메이션으로 영어 공부를 할 수 있을까요?애니메이션은 드라마보다 좀 더 쉬운 영어를...
NO!터무니 없는 말씀입니다. 자본도 인력도 비교가 되지 않는 영미권에서 더빙 시장이 작을리가요. gogoa...
Tomoya: I hate this town. It's too filled with memories I'd rather forget. I go to school every...
Nagisa: If you'd like... I'll take you to a special place in town. A place where all your wishes...
1. 북미판 DVD 또는 BD 구매 아래의 두 가지 방법과는 다르게 합법적인 방법입니다. 현실적으로 소장...
"I": I was born into this world in my search for this girl - sacrificing life, a new world, and ev...
Saki: He became a prince out of necessity. He had come to the realization that the future we all ...
Hirasawa: Wait, so you're saying Takizawa has a phone that can do anything he asks it to? That's...
01-1. Child High School StudentNarration: It's Azumanga Dai.... Yukari: Oh my god, Is it ...
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캐릭터를 중시하고 연애 요소를 배제한 '아즈망가 대왕'은 만화가 연재되었던 당시로는 독특한 방식의 4컷 ...
Narration: My child, heed my words. The story I'm about to tell you is a very important one. It...
Momonga: Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, or for short, DMMO-RPG,...
영어를 익히는 최선의 방법영어를 익히는 데 가장 훌륭한 방법이 무엇입니까? 단어 암기? 문법을 공부? 아...
영어 공부에서 뜻밖의 장애물이 되는 포인트영어를 학습할 때 대부분의 사람들이 좌절하는 부분. 그것은 '...
최근, 일본어로 말할 수 있는 외국인이 늘어나고 있습니다만그런데 당신은 아십니까? 최근에 일본어로 말할...
애니메이션으로 영어를 배운다!일본 애니메이션을 좋아하는 외국인이 일본어로 반복해서 DVD를 보다 보...
추천하는 애니메이션 작품 1영어를 일본 애니메이션의 더빙판으로 배우려고 하는 사람을 위해서 추천하는 ...
추천하는 애니메이션 작품 2일본에서 발매된 애니 중에는 영어 음성이 수록되어 있는 예도 있습니다. 그러...
개인적으로 가장 추천하는 애니메이션 작품은 이쪽입니다. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya:Anime ...
북미판 DVD 시청에 필요한 것자, 영어 공부 때문에 모처럼 산 북미판 DVD. 사실은 그냥 그대로는 볼 ...
애니메이션으로 하는 영어학습의 진행 방식자, 이제. 영어 음성이 든 애니메이션의 DVD로 북미판 DVD...
애니메이션 오타쿠가 아닌 당신을 위해서본 사이트에서는, 애니메이션을 좋아하는 사람, 쉽게 말하면 애니...
철저하게 영포자인 당신을 위해서여기까지, 애니메이션을 사용해 영어를 학습하는 방법을 소개해 왔습니다....
공부하지 말고 몸에 익히자!당신은 영어를 배우고싶지 않나요? 외국 영화를 더빙판이나 자막에 의지하지 않...
적어도 애니메이션 영어 더빙을 찾는 사람들 보다는 일본어 공부를 위해서 애니의 일본어 자막을 찾는 사람...
Fade-in to an image of Beacon Academy. Narrator: Legends. Stories scattered through time. Man...
The opening ends to a view of several ships carrying students and docking at the entrance of the sc...
The opening ends to an aerial view of Ruby and Jaune entering Beacon Academy's giant auditorium...
The opening ends to a character's eyes wearily opening and closing before waking up fully and seein...
The opening ends to an overhead view of Emerald Forest, where a black bird is flying slowly and m...
The opening ends to an overhead view of the Emerald Forest as the camera pans down into the misty...
The opening ends to a view of Professor Ozpin watching the students on his Scroll at the Beacon...
The opening ends to the sight of Weiss Schnee and Ruby Rose hanging on to something very feathe...
The opening ends to the window overlooking Beacon Academy from the new room of Team RWBY, pa...
The opening ends to Weiss Schnee, now back in her regular attire, readying her Myrtenaster at th...
The opening ends to Cardin Winchester with his mace perched on his shoulder and Jaune Arc oppos...
The opening ends to a uniformed, sleeping Jaune Arc with his head resting in his hands while a co...
The opening ends to the view of the Beacon Academy student dorms, where Pyrrha Nikos looks out ...
The opening ends to Jaune Arc getting pushed to the ground of Forever Fall right after the even...
The opening ends to an overview of the streets of Vale being decorated in time for the Vytal Fes...
The opening ends to the view of the balcony café in the middle of Vale where Sun Wukong and Bla...
The beginning chords of "Red Like Roses" are heard as the black reveals the words: ROOSTE...
Darkness gives way to reveal the words: "Everyone is entitled to their own sorrow, for the heart h...
The opening quote is shown: "Your hopes have become my burden. I will find my own liberation." B...
A quote fades in: "Scathing eyes ask that we be symmetrical, one sided and easily processed. Yet ...
A ship flies through the skies over Vale and the camera pans down to the city streets. The owner ...
After the opening, the camera zooms in on Beacon, passing a large and unnerving ship as it descend...
The opening ends to Weiss patiently waiting out the minute left on her holographic clock displayed...
The opening ends to the overhead view of where "A Minor Hiccup" ended: In the deserted alleyway...
The scene opens to Pyrrha gearing up in a locker room. As she walks out of the locker room, we cu...
The opening ends to the view of a glum Ruby resting her head on her hand and staring into the dist...
After the opening, the first scene is of random students schmoozing at the dance. Bartholomew Oob...
The opening cuts to a shot of Beacon Academy the next day following the Beacon Dance, then cuts...
The opening shows the still-horrified faces of Team RWBY upon seeing their guide for the week....
The opening ends to the view of General James Ironwood looking out from the landing docks of Be...
The opening ends to Ruby being thrown across the floor by Roman. Roman: (laughing) Wow! You ar...
Jaune Arc is sleeping during the night inside Team JNPR's dormroom. Jaune: Waffles... Jaun...
Opens with a view of the golden sun in an orange sky over the tall grass and autumn trees. In fron...
After the opening, the scene starts on the familiar shot of Team JNPR readying themselves agai...
After the opening, the scene opens to a shot of Beacon Academy's courtyard at dusk, with Weiss ...
After the opening, the Amity Colosseum is still floating high amid the cheers of an excited audie...
After the Volume 3 Opening, the first scene is that of Amity Colosseum's mountain biome being b...
After the opening, the scene opens on the headmaster's office of Professor Ozpin, who is seated b...
After the opening, the screen stays black as alien noises and voices are heard, echoing as if throu...
After the opening, the scene opens on the outside of Team RWBY's dorm, with two Atlesian Kni...
After the opening, the scene opens with the clanks of turning gears found over the headmaster's off...
After the opening, the scene shows the fairgrounds in chaos as civilians run away from the hordes o...
After the opening credits, the Dragon flies past the hijacked Atlesian Airship, as Ruby Rose l...
After the opening, the scene shows the darkened corridor of the Vault under Beacon. Only flashes...
A black screen opens to the sound of footsteps on a dirt road. An image fades in revealing a pair ...
A black screen opens to the sound of footsteps on a dirt road. An image fades in revealing a pair ...
Opening scene shows Weiss Schnee walking down a long, carpeted hallway of blue, white and gray. ...
Seagulls call as a ship moves over peaceful blue waters. A pan of the boat from bow to stern revea...
Oscar Pine carries a pitchfork into the barn, which has loose bits of hay strung about the floor. ...
An air horn sounds loudly. The black screen cuts to an offramp being lowered on the ship bearing ...
It is a cloudy day, and RNJR is following a mossy stone tile path through the wilderness. Whil...
Oscar Pine sits on his bed in his room, reading a book by the light of a lantern. Oscar's Aunt: ...
Around a campfire, Ruby Rose, Qrow Branwen, Jaune Arc, Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie sit on f...
Taiyang Xiao Long and Yang Xiao Long spar with Zwei watching. Taiyang gets the upper hand an...
The episode opens on a view of Oscar's aunt's farm at sunrise, then cuts to the interior of Oscar...
An arcing slash of fire moves across the black screen, quickly followed by another. There is a bri...
The sounds of thunder and gunfire are heard against a black screen. A wide shot of Kuroyuri shows...
해외 유학중인 내과 의사 '나지무'입니다. 당신은 영어 공부법으로 고민하하거나 하진 않았습니까? 오늘은 ...
SHINIGAMI A: What? A pair of sleeping skulls? SHINIGAMI B: Hehe. I win again...
Kyon: Okay. Asking somebody how long they believed in Santa Claus is so stupid, you can't even ...
Kyon: It was summer. But with finals looming, my usually chipper mood was out wandering around B...
Nagisa: Tomoya, watch out! Be careful, that was a close one. Tomoya: Sorry, I just spaced out ...
Title: <untitled> Original Script: <unknown> Chihiro, Good luck - Till we meet aga...
Last week when I ordered the Tonari no Totoro Soundtrack and poster from Nikaku Animart, I w...
Note: This translation has been done from the video itself as translator didn't have access to the...
Princess Mononoke もののけ姫 (Mononoke-hime)ANOTHER FORMAT NARRATOR: In anc...
블로그 수작업 제작 대본 (작성중) - 오류 제보 환영Hikaru no Go 01 - Eternal Rivals Hikaru : Who...
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Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind 風の谷のナウシカ (Kaze no Tani no Nausicaa) Hayao Miyazak...
Kiki`s Delivery Service 魔女の宅急便 (Majo no Takkyuubin)Subject: KIKI'S DELIVE...
우리는 콘텐츠의 시대에 살고 있다.소통이 목표라면 반드시 콘텐츠를 통해 영어를 공부해라.1. 이해하기 쉽...
Ui: Sis, come on! You'd better get out of bed! Sis?! Yui: Ah, it's eight! I'm late! Ui: Hey...
(panting/running footsteps) (amp switched on/ buzzing) (electric guitar solo “My Love is a Stapl...
Man?: On your mark! Get set! Tsukasa: Wow. Kona-chan, that was so amazing! You're so good at ...
"It starts... with the unexpected..." Song lyrics play over a visual of two frozen white roses, sn...
A lively, crowded town in Menagerie has Faunus going about their everyday business. Blake Bella...
Somewhere, someone is riding a motorcycle. Suddenly it cuts to Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long s...
In an empty blackness, Qrow Branwen's voice can be heard. Qrow: The City of Mistral... Nora:...
After the opening, Leonardo Lionheart sits in his office with his head in his hands. From offscr...
After the opening, the scene shows the interior of the Belladonna Family Home. Ghira Belladonn...
After the opening, the sound of a motorcycle is heard. Yang Xiao Long is riding Bumblebee with ...
After the opening, it is morning in Menagerie. Blake Belladonna and Sun Wukong are on the step...
After the opening, rain is heard pouring outside. Qrow Branwenopens up a sliding door leading int...
After the opening, the dinner table is abuzz as the currently present members of Team RWBY and...
After the opening, it is early morning in Mistral. Ruby Rose is seen lying on the ground on the ...
After the opening, it is daytime at the Branwen Tribe camp. Raven Branwen sits alone in her ten...
After the opening, Oscar Pine, who is currently letting Ozpin take over, and Qrow Branwen are ...
After the opening, the full moon illuminates the night sky above Haven Academy. On the school gr...
After the opening, the screen remains black as Jaune Arc's voice is heard yelling out. Jaune: W...
After the opening, Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long are shown facing off against Emerald Sustrai...
After the opening, the scene shows outside on the quad of Haven Academy. The battle between the ...
왠지는 모르겠지만 여성 방문자가 더 많다. 조회수로 따져도 순 방문자로 따져도 그렇다. 오덕 썩은내가 진...
'케이온!'은 일상적인 장면이 중심이므로 대화도 일상적으로 별 생각 없이 이야기하는 내용입니다. 거의 모...
'케이온!'은 일상적인 장면이 중심이므로 대화도 일상적으로 별 생각 없이 이야기하는 내용입니다. 거의 모...
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이번 주의 문제는 ‘폐쇄된 공간’에 대한 것입니다. 흔히 추리소설에서 ‘밀실’이라 부르는 분야죠. 고층...
K는 바로 어제까지만 해도 최고급 호텔 스위트룸에서 온갖 편의를 만끽하고 있던 남자였습니다. 평소처럼 ...
대단한 음주벽만큼이나 허풍에도 일가견이 있는 B씨, 그는 사실 아직도 그날 일을 자세히 기억하지 못합니...
2006년 가을, J특급호텔에서 일어났던 납치 미수사건을 기억하실 겁니다. J호텔이 테러 위협에 시달렸던 ...
스파이 W의 별명은 ‘스위치 오프’(SWITCH OFF, 신경을 끄다)다. 스파이치고는 박력 없는 별명...
당시 산장의 전경은 아래와 같습니다. 사진이 아니라 기억에 의존한 스케치지만 핵심적인 부분은 잘 표현되...
어느 화창한 오후, 테러리스트 T를 봤다는 제보가 들어왔습니다. 목격자가 얘기한 모습은 영락없는 T였답...
고양이는 귀엽고 사랑스러운 반려동물임을 반박할 생각은 없습니다만, 이번 사건의 주인공이 된 고양이라면...
In the great sea of Ignora lay five islands in the shape of a cross. Four pointed in each cardina...
SATAN: (Hear me, Humans! I leave Ente Isla in your hands today! But know this! 'Pon my r...
MAOU: What's this? ASHIYA: Vegetables, Sire. I suppose this is her way of saying thank...
EMI: Why...? Why would the Devil rescue humans? --- OP --- NEWS REPORTER: I'm r...
MAOU: Ha ha...How does this feel to be power to against this flame which consume you...?! AS...
MAOU: Why would someone come by so early? ASHIYA: Not sure. It does seem a rather unusu...
EMI: So basically, you have no confidence. CHIHO: If I lose, I don't think I'll ever be...
EMI: Weird. Seems a lot more crowded than normal. SUZUNO: I was told today was the first...
Chiho: Yesterday sure was rock, huh. Maou: Yeah. But, we can't stop busting our hunts now, othe...
ASHIYA: Oooww...ohh. MAOU: You gonna be okay? ASHIYA: I apologize, Sire. I've f...
ASHIYA: Oww...Oh, for shame...I'm a complete another failure...I dare not even think about...
CHIHO: Mr. Maou... MAOU: I have to go, Chiho. It's time for me to return to Ente Isl...
여느 때처럼 기차가 동네를 가로질러가기 시작하는 따분한 오후. 이때 영문을 알 수 없는 두 발의 총성이 ...
LUCIFER: Ooh, it isn't the Great King Satan? All right...I suppose I should call you ...