버진갤럭틱 주가 하락 이유, 티커 spce 주식 매각제안 sale offering

버진갤럭틱 주가 하락 이유, 티커 spce 주식 매각제안 sale offering

Shares of Virgin Galactic slipped on Monday after the company filed to sell up to $500 million in common stock. This follows the commercial spaceflight company's successful test flight with founder Sir Richard Branson.

Virgin Galactic, which trades under the ticker SPCE, fell more than 11% after it filed notice of its stock sale offering with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Trading in Virgin Galactic was briefly halted on Monday morning due to volatility 버진 갤럭틱의 주가는 회사가 최대 5억 달러의 보통주 매각을 신청한 후 하락했습니다.

상업 우주 비행 회사가 창립자인 Richard Branson..........

원문링크 : 버진갤럭틱 주가 하락 이유, 티커 spce 주식 매각제안 sale offering